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Apple passes Spotify subscribers in the US, Google’s Pixel 3a and 3a XL leak (again), Microsoft makes it easier to remove USB drives, and a whole lot more. Here are the biggest stories from the weekend to start your Monday.

苹果通过了美国的Spotify用户,谷歌的Pixel 3a和3a XL泄漏(再次),微软使移除USB驱动器变得更加容易,并且还有更多。 这是从周末开始您的星期一的最大故事。

Netflix由于“技术限制”而取消了对AirPlay的支持 (Netflix Kills AirPlay Support Because of “Technical Limitations”)

Netflix has supported casting content with Apple AirPlay since 2013, but over the weekend it “suddenly” pulled the plug on the feature. It was originally speculated this was a response to Apple upcoming TV+ service, but it turns out it’s actually…something different

自2013年以来,Netflix就一直支持使用Apple AirPlay播放内容,但在周末,它“突然”取消了该功能。 最初推测这是对Apple即将推出的TV +服务的回应,但事实证明实际上是……有些不同

As discovered by The Verge, this has nothing to do with TV+, but rather the fact that AirPlay is no longer limited to Apple TV devices and is rolling out to third-party devices, like Vizio TVs. In an official statement, Netflix claims that it “can’t distinguish which device is which” or “certify devices,” so it “had to just shut down support for it. ” Wow.

正如The Verge所发现的,这与TV +无关,而是AirPlay不再仅限于Apple TV设备,并已推广到Vizio TV等第三方设备的事实。 Netflix在一份正式声明中声称,它“无法区分哪个设备是哪个”或“认证设备”,因此“只能关闭对此设备的支持”。 “ 哇。

Here’s the full statement, as given to The Verge:

这是给The Verge的完整声明:

We want to make sure our members have a great Netflix experience on any device they use. With AirPlay support rolling out to third-party devices, there isn’t a way for us to distinguish between devices (what is an Apple TV vs. what isn’t) or certify these experiences. Therefore, we have decided to discontinue Netflix AirPlay support to ensure our standard of quality for viewing is being met. Members can continue to access Netflix on the built-in app across Apple TV and other devices.

我们希望确保我们的会员在使用的任何设备上都拥有出色的Netflix体验。 随着AirPlay支持扩展到第三方设备,我们无法区分设备(Apple TV是什么,不是TV)或证明这些体验。 因此,我们决定停止对Netflix AirPlay的支持,以确保达到我们的观看质量标准。 会员可以继续通过Apple TV和其他设备上的内置应用程序访问Netflix。

It’s interesting because you’d think that, as a standard, AirPlay should work the same across all devices—just like Google’s Casting platform. It doesn’t matter if you’re casting to Chromecast, Android TV, or a TV with native casting support, it just works. Netflix clearly sees something different here with AirPlay devices outside of Apple TV.

有趣的是,您认为AirPlay在所有设备上都应该在所有设备上都可以正常工作,就像Google的Casting平台一样。 投射到Chromecast,Android TV或具有本机投射支持的电视都没关系,它可以正常工作。 Netflix在Apple TV之外的AirPlay设备上显然看到了一些不同之处。

While it may not seems huge since most device’s have native Netflix support in the first place, this is still a pretty hard blow to Apple TV users since they’re essentially being “penalized” by Apple’s choice to open the AirPlay platform to third-party manufacturers.

尽管起初大多数设备都支持本机Netflix似乎并不,但这对Apple TV用户而言仍然是沉重的打击,因为苹果选择向第三方开放AirPlay平台对他们实质上是“惩罚”制造商。

Hopefully, at some point there will be a standardized way to test these devices and Netflix can re-enable AirPlay support across all compatible devices. Until then, however, the company recommends everyone switch to the native app.

希望在某个时候将有一种标准化的方法来测试这些设备,并且Netflix可以在所有兼容设备上重新启用AirPlay支持。 但是,在此之前,该公司建议所有人都切换到本机应用程序。

苹果新闻:音乐在美国的付费订户数量已超过Spotify (Apple News: Music Now Has More Paid Subscribers Than Spotify in the US)

Plus, Apple may be breaking up iTunes with dedicated Music and Podcast apps for Mac.


  • Apple Music passed Spotify for US paid subscribers over the weekend, though Spotify still holds the global market by a rather large margin. []

    尽管上周末Spotify仍然在全球市场上占有相当大的份额,但Apple Music还是通过了Spotify的美国付费订户。 []

  • Apple hacker Steve Troughton-Smith recently discovered code that suggests Apple may be looking to break up iTunes into three separate apps, breaking Podcasts and Music into their own standalone products. []

    苹果黑客史蒂夫·特劳顿-史密斯(Steve Troughton-Smith)最近发现了一些代码,这些代码表明苹果可能希望将iTunes分解为三个独立的应用程序,将Podcast和Music分解为自己的独立产品。 [ ]

While Spotify may still hold the global market for streaming services, Apple passing it in the US is still a huge victory for the company and shows how popular its music streaming service really is.


Of course, Spotify still has more free users in the US, but that makes sense considering anyone can sign up for a free account. It’s also unclear how many of those users are even active.

当然,Spotify在美国仍然有更多免费用户,但是考虑到任何人都可以注册免费帐户,这才有意义。 还不清楚这些用户中有多少甚至处于活动状态。

What’s most interesting, however, is that these numbers didn’t come from any official source—this isn’t something that Apple doesn’t publish. Instead, The Wall Street Journal gots information from “people familiar with the matter” who “confirmed” that Apple passed Spotify’s US subscribers numbers. While there’s no reason to doubt the truth here (it would be a silly thing to fabricate), it’s still worth mentioning.

但是,最有趣的是,这些数字并非来自任何官方来源,这不是Apple不会发布的内容。 取而代之的是,《华尔街日报》从“确认此事的人”那里获得了信息,他们“确认”了苹果通过了Spotify在美国的订户数量。 尽管没有理由怀疑这里的真相(制造这是一件愚蠢的事情),但仍然值得一提。

Google新闻:Galaxy S10的指纹扫描仪很容易弄虚,地图从位智中提取更多功能 (Google News: The Galaxy S10’s Fingerprint Scanner is Easily Fooled, and Maps Pulls More Features from Waze)

Plus Android Q gets a 3D Touch-like feature, more Pixel 3a leaks, and a lot more.

此外,Android Q还具有类似3D Touch的功能,更多的Pixel 3a泄漏以及更多其他功能。

  • The S10’s in-display fingerprint sensor was fooled with a 3D printed finger. Oof. []

    S10的显示屏指纹传感器被3D打印手指所欺骗。 钱币。 []

  • Google Assistant is getting richer responses with more visual appeal on phones. It will also start disclosing when certain responses are ads. Good. []

    Google Assistant在手机上的视觉吸引力越来越丰富,React越来越丰富。 当某些回复是广告时,它也会开始公开。 好。 [ ]

  • Google Maps is getting traffic slowdown reporting, yet another feature it’s pulling from Waze. Good on ya, Google. Keep ’em coming. []

    Google Maps正在获得流量减慢报告,这是Waze的另一项功能。 很好,Google。 让他们来。 []

  • As Apple sunsets 3D Touch on iOS, Google is implementing a similar feature called “Deep Press” in Android Q. Curious. []

    随着Apple在iOS上淘汰3D Touch,Google正在Android Q. Curious中实现类似的功能,称为“ Deep Press”。 [ ]

  • The upcoming Pixel 3a and 3a XL briefly showed up on Google Play, all but confirming the handsets. []

    即将面世的Pixel 3a和3a XL短暂出现在Google Play上,几乎确认了这些手机。 [ ]

  • If you’re jealous of Energy Ring for Galaxy S10 devices and want something similar for your phone’s notched display, Notch Pie is here to hook you up. []

    如果您嫉妒Galaxy S10设备的Energy Ring,并希望为手机的带缺口的显示屏提供类似的功能,Notch Pie可以帮助您。 [ ]

  • The S10 family of phones can be rooted with Magisk Canary Release. If you’re into that sort of thing. []

    S10系列手机可以植根于Magisk Canary Release。 如果您喜欢这种事情。 [ ]

  • Google told users that the “Managed by Organization” message in Chrome 73 was no big deal and not to stress about it. Okay then. []

    Google告诉用户,Chrome 73中的“由组织管理”消息不是什么大问题,也不要对此加以强调。 好吧。 [ ]

  • Google Advanced Protection, which is a program to , is expanding to Chrome with safeguarded downloads. That’s neat. []

    Google Advanced Protection是一个程序,可,并正在通过受保护的下载扩展到Chrome。 那很整齐。 [ ]

  • Chrome on the desktop is getting “lazy loading” in version 75, which is designed to save bandwidth by not loading images and iframes below the fold until the user scrolls close to them. []

    台式机上的Chrome在版本75中正在“延迟加载”,该版本旨在节省带宽,方法是在用户滚动靠近图片和iframe之前,不要将它们加载到折页之下。 [ ]

It was discovered a few weeks ago that the Galaxy S10’s face detection could once again be fooled with an image thanks to Samsung’s removal of the iris scanner in its newest handset. Now, it’s proven that the in-display fingerprint sensor is also easily duped.

几周前发现,由于三星在其最新手机中移除了虹膜扫描仪,Galaxy S10的面部检测可能再次被图像欺骗。 现在,事实证明,显示屏内指纹传感器也很容易伪装。

A user called darkshark recently took to show off exactly how he fooled his S10 with a simple 3D printed fingerprint. In the video, he wears gloves and places the 3D printed plate on the S10’s display. With a simple tap, the phone unlocks. It took him 13 minutes to get the print right.

一位名叫darkshark的用户最近展示了他如何用简单的3D打印指纹欺骗了S10。 在视频中,他戴着手套,将3D打印板放在S10的显示屏上。 只需轻按一下,手机便会解锁。 他花了13分钟才能正确打印。

Of course, a fingerprint is a lot harder to get ahold of than a simple picture, so this isn’t quite as easy as fooling the phone’s face unlock feature. It is, however, still quite troubling knowing that if someone were able to grab your fingerprint, they could have access to your phone—and all of your secure info like credit card and banking apps—within 15 minutes.

当然,指纹是很多难以得到阿霍德的不是一个简单的图片,所以这不是容易,因为愚弄手机的人脸解锁功能。 但是,要知道有人能够抓住您的指纹,他们可以在15分钟之内访问您的电话以及信用卡和银行应用程序之类的所有安全信息,仍然令人非常困扰。

Microsoft新闻:现在总是可以安全删除USB存储设备 (Microsoft News: It Is Now Always Safe to Remove Your USB Storage Device)

Plus Focus Mode in Chromium-Edge, PowerShell 7 for all platforms, and Bounty Program changes.

加上Chromium-Edge中的“焦点模式”,适用于所有平台的PowerShell 7和“赏金计划”更改。

  • There’s a solid chance you don’t do this, but you’re technically supposed to “eject” USB storage devices before removing them. Well, now Microsoft is changing policy so you no longer have to do the thing you probably didn’t do in the first place anyway. []

    您确实有机会不这样做,但是从技术上讲,您应该先“弹出” USB存储设备,然后再将其删除。 好吧,现在微软正在改变政策,因此您不必再做您可能根本没有做过的事情。 []

  • PowerShell 7 is coming to all platforms. []

    PowerShell 7将用于所有平台。 [ ]

  • Chromium-Edge is getting Focus Mode, another feature Google has been working on for Chrome. This will allow users to “pop-out” tabs into solo windows with minimal other options. You know, for focus. []

    Chromium-Edge正在获得“聚焦模式”,这是Google一直在为Chrome开发的另一功能。 这将允许用户以最少的其他选项将选项卡“弹出”到单独的窗口中。 你知道的,集中精力。 [ ]

  • Microsoft announced some enhancements to its Bounty Program with faster payments and higher rewards. Best get to huntin’ those vulnerabilities, guys and gals. []

    微软宣布了对赏金计划的一些增强,其中包括更快的付款和更高的奖励。 最好去寻找那些漏洞,伙计们和女孩。 [ ]

In the interest of keeping it real, I will openly admit that I thought “safely remove hardware” stuff was killed a long time ago; in fact, I can’t remember the last time I properly ejected a UBS device. Oops.

为了保持其真实性,我将公开承认我以为“安全删除硬件”的东西早已被杀害了。 实际上,我不记得上一次正确弹出UBS设备的时间。 哎呀。

Really, I imagine that’s how it works for most people, so Microsoft decided to change the default action to support “quick removal.” This is in contrast to the former default option, which was “better performance.”

确实,我想这就是大多数人的工作方式,因此Microsoft决定更改默认操作以支持“快速删除”。 这与以前的默认选项“更好的性能”形成对比。

Ah, so that indicates that the new default setting will somehow decrease the performance of USB storage devices. According to the setting itself, the “better performance” option enables write cache in Windows, which improves the speed of the device. With “quick removal” enabled, this feature is disabled, making it slower. But at least you can take it out anytime you want.

嗯,这表明新的默认设置将以某种方式降低USB存储设备的性能。 根据设置本身,“更好的性能”选项可在Windows中启用写缓存,从而提高了设备​​的速度。 启用“快速删除”后,此功能将被禁用,使其速度变慢。 但是至少您可以随时将其取出。

We have good news, though: .

不过,我们有个好消息: 。

其他新闻:您的信用卡信息可能会在Facebook上出售 (Other News: Your Credit Card Info May be for Sale on Facebook)

Plus a whole bunch of Amazon stuff. Also, the International Space Station is apparently disgusting.

加上一大堆亚马逊东西。 而且,国际空间站显然令人作呕。

  • Cisco Talos recently found 74 Facebook groups with 385,000 members buying and selling credit card info. Heh, guess you don’t just have to worry about your info hitting the dark web anymore. []

    思科Talos最近发现74个Facebook组,有385,000名会员买卖信用卡信息。 嘿,猜想您不必担心您的信息再无所获。 [ ]

  • Amazon inked a deal with Westworld’s creators for some Top Notch Content over the next four of five years. []

    在接下来的五年中,亚马逊与Westworld的创作者达成了一些顶尖内容的交易。 [ ]

  • FireTV 4K got Miracast display mirroring. Yay? []

    FireTV 4K获得了Miracast显示镜像。 好极了? [ ]

  • Amazon wants you to trust Alexa with your health info and prescriptions. I’m not sure about that. []

    亚马逊希望您信任Alexa的健康信息和处方。 对此我不确定。 []

  • Amazon apparently bought Eero for just $97 million, which is a lot less than originally thought. []

    亚马逊显然以9700万美元的价格收购了Eero,这比最初的想象要少得多。 []

  • IKEA unveiled a Sonos-powered lamp and bookshelf with built-in hidden speakers. That’s cool. []

    宜家推出了带有内置隐藏式扬声器的Sonos照明灯和书架。 这很酷。 [ ]

  • AirBnB guests are finding more and more hidden cameras by scanning the Wi-Fi. The thought of someone watching what I’m doing in their rental makes me feel itchy. []

    通过扫描Wi-Fi,AirBnB宾客正在发现越来越多的隐藏摄像机。 想到有人看着我在他们的房租里做什么,使我感到发痒。 [ ]

  • Bang and Olufsen has a new TV with speakers that fold out like some sort of wings. It looks kind of cool, but why? []

    Bang and Olufsen的新电视的扬声器像某种翅膀一样折叠起来。 看起来很酷,但是为什么呢? [ ]

  • The International Space Station is covered in all sorts of germs and bacteria according to new research. This is really only noteworthy because it’s the first time a study this comprehensive has been published. Also, the Space Station is gross. []

    根据最新研究,国际空间站的细菌和细菌种类繁多。 这实际上只是值得一提的,因为这是首次发表如此全面的研究。 而且,空间站是毛病。 [ ]

So, this Facebook thing. Man. While selling stolen credit card info is big business, it’s troubling to see it happening right in front of our noses on a place as open and accessible as Facebook.

因此,这是Facebook的事情。 人。 虽然出售被盗的信用卡信息是一项大生意,但令人震惊的是,它在我们像Facebook这样开放和可访问的地方出现在我们的眼前。

To make matters worse, Facebook leaves it up to users to report groups like this (instead of using algorithms to systematically hunt them down), so if users stay tight-lipped, the network has no idea that these groups even exist. And, as Engadget reports, finding these groups isn’t even all that difficult—just search Facebook for “spam,” “carding,” or “CVV” and groups will start to show up.

更糟的是,Facebook留给用户报告这样的组(而不是使用算法来系统地追查他们),因此,如果用户保持沉默,网络就不知道这些组甚至存在。 而且,根据Engadget的报告,找到这些群组并不是那么困难-只需在Facebook上搜索“垃圾邮件”,“卡片”或“ CVV”,群组就会开始出现。

To make matters even worse, once you join a group, Facebook’s algorithms will suggest similar groups for you to join. That’s…the exact opposite of good.

更糟的是,一旦您加入一个小组,Facebook的算法将为您推荐相似的小组。 那是……与善的恰恰相反。

In a statement to Engadget, a Facebook spokesperson said that these types of groups are in violation of the network’s policies and they “know we need to be more vigilant and we’re investing heavily to fight this type of activity.”


Heh, you think?





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